The greatest common divisor of two numbers is 6 and the least common multiple is 144?

The greatest common divisor of two numbers is 6 and the least common multiple is 144?

There is a case. If a number is 6 and a number is 144, then their product is 864
I haven't thought of the rest yet

A divided by B equals C. The greatest common divisor of a and B is () and the least common multiple is ()

Given that a is divided by B = C (A.B.C are all non-zero natural numbers), then the greatest common divisor of A.B is (b) and the least common multiple is (a)
The teacher said because a and B are multiples~

It is known that the sum of two positive integers is 667, and the ratio of their greatest common divisor and least common multiple is 1:120

There are two answers
232 and 435, their greatest common divisor is 29 and their least common multiple is 3480;
115 and 552, their greatest common divisor is 23 and their least common multiple is 2760

Two natural numbers, their hand is 667, the quotient of their least common multiple divided by the greatest common divisor is 120, then the two numbers are______ .

Let these two numbers be a, B, the greatest common divisor be D, and the least common multiple be s, then a + B = 667sd = 120, the quotient of the least common divisor divided by the greatest common divisor is 120, and the quotient is 120. If 23 is their greatest common divisor, then 29 must be divided into the sum of two numbers, and the product is 120

Two natural numbers, their hand is 667, the quotient of their least common multiple divided by the greatest common divisor is 120, then the two numbers are______ .

Let these two numbers be a, B, the greatest common divisor be D, and the least common multiple be s, then a + B = 667sd = 120, the quotient of the least common divisor divided by the greatest common divisor is 120, ①∵ 667 = 23 × 29, if 23 is their greatest common divisor, then 29 must be divided into the sum of two numbers, and the product is 120, 29 = 24 + 5, 24 × 5 = 120; the two numbers are 24 × 23 = 552, 5 × 23 = 115, respectively If 29 is their greatest common divisor, then 23 has to be divided into the sum of two numbers, and the product is 120. The test results show that 23 = 15 + 8, 15 × 8 = 120; the two numbers are 15 × 29 = 435, 8 × 29 = 232; a = 115, B = 552 or a = 232, B = 435, so the answer is 115552 or 232435

Ramen is a kind of delicious noodles. The master of ramen restaurant uses a very thick noodle to squeeze the two ends together and stretch. After kneading and stretching, he pulls the very thick noodle into many thin noodles after several times. As shown in the figure below, how many noodles are there in the fourth kneading and stretching? After several times, 128 thin noodles can be pulled out?
Picture: the first time (three noodles), the second time (five noodles) and the third time (nine noodles)
Don't copy those questions on Baidu. Violators will ignore them

The first time should be two handlebars? Why do you give one more handlebar? I don't quite understand this, but the idea is that the first time is the first power of 2, the second time is the second power of 2, the third time is the third power of 2, then 128 is the seventh power of 2, that is, you can do it in the seventh time

Observe the following equation: 13 = 1213 + 23 = 3213 + 23 + 33 = 6213 + 23 + 33 + 43 = 102 Think about the relationship between the base of the powers on the left and the base of the powers on the right? Guess what law you can draw out and write it out in equations______ .

13+23+… +n3=(1+2+… +n)2=[n(n+1)2]2=n2(n+1)24.

How to calculate the thickness of origami by seventh grade mathematical power
There is a piece of paper with a thickness of 0.1 mm. After it is folded once, the thickness is 2x0.1 mm. If it is faced 20 times in a row, how thick will it be and how many floors will it be in a month? (suppose each floor is 3 meters high)

One fold is 2, two fold is 2 × 2, the three fold is 2 × 2 × 2, the other 20 fold is 2 × 2 × 2.. (20 2 multiplied) × 2 × 0.1 = 104857.6mm = 104.8576m
104.8576 △ 3 ≈ 35 (floor)

Uncle Wang's decoration project is coming to an end, and the painting project is over. According to statistics, the painter has done 50 working hours and used 150 liters of paint. It is known that 128 yuan per liter of paint can paint 120 square meters. When settling the payment, there are the following settlement schemes: (1) 300 yuan per 6 working hours; (2) 15% of the paint cost is used as the payment according to the painting cost; (3) according to the painting cost Area to calculate, 132 yuan per 6 square meters. Please help Uncle Wang calculate, with which program the most cost-effective?

(1) The salary calculated by working hours is: 300 yuan, 6 working hours × 50 working hours = 2500 yuan; (2) the salary calculated by painting expenses is: 150 × 128 × 15% = 2880 yuan; (3) the salary calculated by area is: 1206 × 132 = 2640 yuan. So the first scheme is the most economical

2. Simplified evaluation (3a-1) &# 178; - 3 (2-5A + 3A & # 178;) a = one third
4. Given a (a + 1) - (A & # 178; + b) = - 4, find (2 / 2 A & # 178; + B & # 178;) - ab

When a = 1 / 3, the original formula = - 11 / 3
3) (2x-y) (2x + y) (4x & # 178; - Y & # 178;) = (4x & # 178; - Y & # 178;) (4x & # 178; - Y & # 178;) = the fourth power of 16x-8x & # 178; Y & # 178; + the fourth power of Y