Known density 5.27, volume 3.8 cubic meters, weight 20.3 tons, 4 meters, can you find radius? Thank you very much!

Known density 5.27, volume 3.8 cubic meters, weight 20.3 tons, 4 meters, can you find radius? Thank you very much!

If it's a cylinder, you can find the radius of the bottom
Radical (volume, height, height) = radical (3.8, 1.4, 3.14) = 0.93 (m)




4X (x + 2.3) = 22.8 divided by 4, shift term
We get x squared + 2.3x-5.7 = 0 and multiply it by a cross
We get (x-1.5) (x + 3.8) = 0
So x = 1.5 or x = - 3.8

In a formula containing letters, what should be paid attention to when writing numbers and letters and multiplying letters and letters

When multiplying a number by a letter or a letter by a letter, the multiplication sign is not written in the middle, and the number is written in front of the letter

What is the remainder of 222.2 divided by 7

In this way, 2005 has 334 more than one 6, that is, 2005 2 can be divided into 334 (6 2), and there is still one 2 left, so the final answer is 2

If ax squared plus 2aX plus 1 is greater than or equal to 0, for all x belongs to R constant, then the value range of A

When 0 ≤ A0
When 1 ≤ a, 1-A ≤ 0, for all x ∈ R, a (x + 1) ^ 2 + (1-A) > 0 does not hold
When a

The remainder of (22222 ^ 55555 + 55555 ^ 22222) divided by 7 is

The remainder of 7 is 4 ^ 55555 + (- 4) ^ 22222 divided by 7
The remainder of 7 is 2 ^ 11111 + 2 ^ 11111 divided by 7
The remainder is one
My idea is like this. Check it and see what's wrong

On the value range of the conjugate equation with the imaginary root x ∈ - 0

The root of quadratic equation of one variable is complex, and the discriminant of equation is simple

111… The remainder of 11997 1 divided by 7 is______ .

1997÷6=332… 5, so the remainder of 1997 1 divided by 7 corresponds to the remainder of 11111 / 7, 11111 / 7 = 1587 2. A: 111 The remainder of 11997 1 divided by 7 is 2

Given a = [x + x2 + ax + B = 0], B = [x2 + CX + 15 = 0], AUB = [3,5], anb = [3], find the values of real numbers a, B, C

Because anb = [3], so x = 3 is the solution of both a and B, so we can get two equations: 3 * 2 + A * 3 + B = 0; 3 * 2 + C * 3 + 15 = 0; and because AUB = [3,5], so there is a solution in a or B that is x = 5, that is, 5 / 5 * 2 + A * 5 + B = 0 or 5 * 2 + C * 5 + 15 = 0, so we can get two equations: 3 / 3 * 2 + A * 3 + B = 0; 3 * 2 + C