(50/27) To the power-th power of (18/25) to the b-th power of (9/8) to the c-th power of 8, the value of a, b, c (50/27) To the a-th power of (18/25) to the b-th power of (9/8) to the c-th power of 8, find the value of a, b, c

(50/27) To the power-th power of (18/25) to the b-th power of (9/8) to the c-th power of 8, the value of a, b, c (50/27) To the a-th power of (18/25) to the b-th power of (9/8) to the c-th power of 8, find the value of a, b, c

Solve the equation group to obtain:
A = b =6, c =3

(50/27) A power multiplied by (18/25) b power multiplied by (9/8) c power
Solve the equation group to obtain:
A = b =6, c =3

If the integers a, b, c satisfy (27/50) power a ×(25/8) power b ×(8/9) power c =8, find the values of a, b, c If the integers a, b, c satisfy (27/50) to the power a ×(25/8) to the power b ×(8/9) to the power c = a, b, c If the integers a, b, c satisfy (27/50) to the power a ×(25/8) to the power b ×(8/9) to the power c of a, b, c

(27/50)^A×(25/8)^b×(8/9)^c =8
3A-2c=0, b-a=0,3c-3b-a=3
A=12, b=12, c=18