What is the last digit of the 2010 power of 7

What is the last digit of the 2010 power of 7

The single digit of the 4th power of 7 is 1 2010 Power of 7=502 power of 4 of 7 multiplied by 7^2
The single digit of 7 to the 2010 power is 9

If a=2, b=3, then the end of the 100th power of a plus the 101st power of b is

The end of the first power of 2 is 2, the end of the second power is 4, the end of the third power is 8, the end of the fourth power is 6, the end of the fifth power is 2, so the order is 2,4,8,6, so the end of the 100th power of 2 is 6, the end of the first power of the third power is 3, the end of the third power is 9, the end of the third power is 7, the end of the fourth power is 1, the end of the third power is 3, the end of the fifth power is 3...