Given that a, b, c are the length of three sides of triangle ABC, try to simplify: the absolute value of a-b-c plus the absolute value of a+c-b

Given that a, b, c are the length of three sides of triangle ABC, try to simplify: the absolute value of a-b-c plus the absolute value of a+c-b

Because the triangle 2 side difference is less than the third side
Triangle 2 sides and greater than 3rd side
So a-c < b < a+c
|A-b-c c-b|=|(a-c)-b (a+c)-b|

Because the triangle 2 side difference is less than the third side
Triangle 2 sides and greater than 3rd side
So a-c < b < a+c
|A-b-c c-b|=|(a-c)-b (a+c)-b|
= B-a+c+a+c-b

If abc is the trilateral length of triangular abc, the absolute value of a minus b minus c plus the absolute value of b minus c minus a plus the absolute value of c minus a minus b is reduced. If abc is the triangular length of abc, the absolute value of a minus b minus c plus the absolute value of b minus c minus a plus the absolute value of c minus a minus b is reduced.

=A+b+c (the difference between any two sides of the triangle is less than the third side)