Seven ninths {nine sevenths [2 times (-1) third power-7]-18}-3 times two-thirds second power] The second two-thirds means the second two-thirds

Seven ninths {nine sevenths [2 times (-1) third power-7]-18}-3 times two-thirds second power] The second two-thirds means the second two-thirds

Original formula=7/9×{9/7×[2×(-1)-7]-18}-3×(4/3)=7/9×[9/7×(-9)-18]-4=-9-14-4=-27

Urgent! If the integer a.b.c satisfies (50/27) to the power a times (18/25) to the power b times (9/8) to the power c =8, then a.b.c Urgent! If the integer a.b.c satisfies (50/27) to the power of a multiplied by (18/25) to the power of b multiplied by (9/8) to the power of c = a.b.c

We can see that several bases are the same and there is a 2. It is well known that the third power of 2 is equal to 8 and there is a 1/2 of the cth power.