What is the third power of the cube root of minus 12

What is the third power of the cube root of minus 12


2 root 3 × cube root 1.5 × 6 power root 12

Original formula = 6 times √ 27x6 times √ 2.25x6 times √ 12
=729 times
=The sixth power of power 6 √ 3
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If (radical 2-x) - (radical X-2) - y = 6, find the cube root of the x-th power of Y

The cube root of the x power of y = 3 √ 36

Square of root 3 + 4 * (minus half) - cube root of 2 + cube root of 27 (2) (root 3 + root 2) - root 2

(1) The original formula = 3-2-8 + 3 = 4; (2) the original formula = radical 3

(- 2) + radical (- 4) quadratic + cube root (- 4) cubic multiplication (- 1 / 2) quadratic root 27

(- 2) + radical (- 4) quadratic + cube root (- 4) cubic multiplication (- 1 / 2) quadratic root 27
-2 + 4 + 4 * quarter - 3

3 / cube root of root 3-8 - 0 power of (root 2-2010) + root [(square of root 3-2)] Please send it before 11:00,


What is the cube root of negative radical 8? It's not - 2. It means the square root of the arithmetic square root of 8

The cube root of negative radical 8 is - √ 2

Given that the reciprocal of a is [- 1 / 2 of the root], the opposite number of the root B is 0, and C is the cube root of - 1, find a ^ 2 + B ^ 2 + C ^ 2

1/a=-√1/2 =-1/√2 a=-√2

The negative first power of root 2 times root 8


(3 under the root) + 2) divided by 2007 times of ((3 under the root) + 2)?
