What is root 6 plus root 2 divided by root 3

What is root 6 plus root 2 divided by root 3


What is the root 128 divided by 2

√128 ÷2

The difference of 3 times root 48 minus 2 times root 27 divided by root 3


Double root 48 minus triple root 27 bracket divided by root six


3 then root 48 minus 4 root 27 divided by 2 and root 3

0 or 12 √ 3-6

Root 27 minus root 2 divided by root 6


Root 5 and then the opposite of - 3____ , absolute value____ , countdown____ .

Opposite number: 3-radical 5
Absolute value: 3-radical 5
Reciprocal: - (radical 5 + 3) / 4

The reciprocal of the third root - 1 / 8 is, the absolute value is, and the opposite number is

Third root - 1 of 8 = - 1 of 2
So the countdown is - 2
The absolute value is one in two
The opposite number is one in two

The absolute value of Radix 5-3 is

Root number 5 ≈ 2.236

It is known that the three sides of △ ABC are A.B.C, and A.B.C satisfies the square of the absolute value of root A-3 + B-4 + C-5 = 0. Try to judge the shape of △ ABC

The absolute value of the root A-3 + B-4 + the square of (C-5) is 0
So a = 3, B = 4, C = 5
3 * 3 + 4 * 4 = 5 * 5, i.e., a 2 + B 2 = C
So △ ABC is a right triangle