The root is equal to 25 of 121. 144 of 169 is equal to

The root is equal to 25 of 121. 144 of 169 is equal to

First, 11 ^ 2 = 121 5 ^ 2 = 25 12 ^ 2 = 14 13 ^ 2 = 169
Root: 25 / 121
=Root number 121 times root number 25
=5 out of 11
144 of 169 roots
=Root number 169 / root 144
=12 out of 13

What is root 289 and root 225?


Evaluation 1. Root 225 2. Negative root 0.0004 3. Positive and negative root 12 and 1 / 4 4 4. The square of negative root minus 0.1 5. Root 0.81 - root 0.04

3. ±√ 12 and 1 / 4 = ± (7 / 2)

What is 81 out of 16 of 4 roots

81 out of 16 = 3 of 2
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How much is the root sign 3 + 9


If a is the square root of root 81 and B is the square root of root 64, then what is a + B equal to?

Notice that the square root is positive and negative

How much is root 6 divided by (1 / 3 + 1 / 2) + 75


What's four divided by root two

= 2*2/√2
= 2*√2
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How much is root 20 + root 5 divided by root 5 and - 2 It's very simple. It's about the process, not just the numbers

Divide root 20 + root 5 by root 5 and - 2
=(root 20 + root 5) / root 5-2
=(root (4 * 5) + Radix 5) / Radix 5-2
=(2 root sign (5) + root sign 5) / root sign 5-2
=3 root number 5 / root number 5-2

How many questions are root 8 + root 18 + root 12 + root 27 - root 12 + root 45

√8 √18 √12
=2√2 3√2 2√3
=5√2 2√3
√27-√12 √45
=3√3-2√3 3√5
=√3 3√5