Cubic root 216 + cubic root 1000 + root (- 2 / 3)

Cubic root 216 + cubic root 1000 + root (- 2 / 3)

Cubic root 216 + cubic root 1000 + root (- 2 / 3) ^ 3
=6 + 10 + radical (- 8 / 27)
Note: I is the result of the root - 1, the third power of the last root (- 2 / 3), and there is a negative number under the root sign, so there is I

What is the third power of root two?

The root 2 = 2 to the power of 0.. 5
The third power of root 2 = the second power of 2 = the third power of 2 = the third power of 2 = the third power of 2 = root 8 = 2 root 2
Therefore, the third power of root 2 = root 8 = 2 root 2 (exactly equal to the third power of 2 under the root sign)

Calculation - root No. 169 + root No. 25 - root sign (- 6) to the second power - root No. 144

Root number 169 + root 25 - the second power of root sign (- 6) - root number 144 = 13 + 5-6-12 = 0

Calculation: (1) the third power root - 27 + root sign 64 (2) - 1 power + root sign 4-3 power root 8 + (root 2) 0 power (3) The absolute value of the root sign 5 of the power of - 3 + (- 3 power root 5)

(1) Third power root - 27 + root 64
(2) - 1 power of 2 + root sign 4-3 power of root sign 8 + 0 power of root sign 2
=1 and 1 / 2
(3) The absolute value of the root sign 5 of the power of - 3 + (- 3 power root 5)
=1-3 power root sign 5 + third power root sign 5

If the 2x power of a = the root 2-1, then (3x power of a + minus 3x power of a) / (x power of a + negative x power of a) is equal to

The 2x power of a = root 2-1,
Then (3x power of a + minus 3x power of a) / (x power of a + negative x power of a) is equal to

Calculate cube root - 1 + cube root - 8 + cube root - 27 +... + cube root (- N cubic power) (where n = 2010)


(2 / 3 of root, 12 + 27) plus (1-radical 3) times 0

The third part of the root sign (2 root sign 12 + root 27) + (1-radical 3) times the power of 0

A + 2 + | B-1 | = 0, then the value of (a + b) 2009 is___ .

According to the meaning of the title:
b-1=0 ,
The solution is as follows:
b=1 ,
Then the original formula = (- 2 + 1) 2009 = - 1
So the answer is: - 1

Given the absolute value of 2A + 1 + 1 + root sign B + 1 = 0, find the value of - A to the 2nd power - B to the power of 2009 Oh, I made a mistake. It should be the opposite of a to the power of 2

So the opposite of a to the second power is - 1 / 4
-B to the power of 2009 is 1

(π - 2012) the absolute value of root 8-1-radical 2 to the power of 0. Note that it is the absolute value of 1-radical 2 (π-2012)º-√8-|1-√2|
