If the equation (2-m) x 2 + 3mx - (5-2m) = 0 for X is a linear equation of one variable, what is the solution of the equation?

If the equation (2-m) x 2 + 3mx - (5-2m) = 0 for X is a linear equation of one variable, what is the solution of the equation?

Let the equation be a linear equation of one variable, that is, the coefficient of the quadratic term is 0, that is, 2-m = 0, M = 2
Substituting into the original equation, 0 + 6x-1 = 0

When m is the value of M, the equation x ^ 2m-5 = 0 about X is a one variable linear equation? It is known that the equation (M-3) x ^| m | - 2 + 4 = m-2 is a one variable linear equation about X Find: (1) the value of M; (2) Write this equation of order of one variable

(1) Since it is once, the number of times x is 1
M = 3 or M = - 3
But when m = 3, the coefficient of X is 3-3 = 0, so it's not an equation,
So m = - 3
(2) The equation is - 6x + 4 = - 5, that is - 2x + 3 = 0
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Mathematics problem of grade one in junior high school 1、 The solution of the following equation can be obtained by moving and merging similar terms (1)3x+2=-5 (2)2x-5=-7x+13 (3) 1 / 3x = 1 / 4x-1 (1 / 3 x = 1 / 4 x-1) (4)-6x-1=4 (5) 3 / 4x + 2 = 13-1 / 4x (three quarters x + 2 = 13-quarter x)

1、 The solution of the following equation is obtained by moving terms and merging similar terms. 1) 3x + 2 = - 53x = - 5-23x = - 7x = - 7 / 3 (2) 2x-5 = - 7x + 132x + 7x = 5 + 139x = 18x = 2 (3) 1 / 3x = 1 / 4x-1 (one third x = quarter x-1) 1 / 3x-1 / 4x = - 11 / 12x = - 1x = - 12 (4) - 6x-1 = 4-6x = 4 + 1-6x = 5x = - 5

The equation of X (K + 2) x 2 + 4kx-5k = 0 is a linear equation of one variable, so how much is k

-2 because it is a linear equation of one variable, the coefficient of the quadratic term x ^ 2 should be 0. When k = - 2, the original equation is - 8x + 10 = 0, which is a linear equation of one variable

If the equation (K + 2) x2 + 4kx-5k = 0 on X is a linear equation of one variable, then K=______ The solution X of the equation=______ .

According to the characteristics of univariate linear equation, K + 2 = 0,
The solution is: k = - 2
Therefore, the original equation can be reduced to: - 8x + 10 = 0,
The solution is: x = 5
Therefore, fill in: - 2 and 5

Formula of one variable linear equation

There are five steps to solve the equation
1. Find the least common multiple divisor of denominator
2. Remove brackets
3. Transfer
4. Merge similar items
5. Change the unknown coefficient to 1 (that is to change it into the form of x = a)

Exercises of one variable linear equation 1. A mountaineering team climbed 550 meters to the top of the 5050 meter base camp in Shanghai again. Due to the danger, they returned to the altitude of 5450 meters the next day, climbed 300 meters on the third day, and was 428 meters away from the peak? 2. There is a column of numbers: the first number is X1 = 1, the second number is x2 = 3, the third number begins to count as X3, X4 in turn. The second number starts, each number is half of the sum of its adjacent two numbers (1) Find the third, fourth and fifth numbers, and write the calculation process (2) According to the result of (1), X8 = what (3) XK = what It's better to use equations

Because X1 = 1, X2 = 3, the third number begins to count as X3, X4. Starting with the second number, each number is half of the sum of its adjacent two numbers
So the general term formula is xn = 2N-1
(1) X3=3×2-1=5 X4=4×2-1=7 X5=5×2-1=9

The first volume of the first day of junior high school is a simple exercise of one yuan linear equation (20 questions) Come on

Chapter 3 one variable linear equation comprehensive test in the whole chapter
(time 90 minutes, full score 100 points)
1、 Fill in the blanks. (3 points for each question, 24 points in total)
1. It is known that 4x2n-5 + 5 = 0 is a linear equation of one variable on X, then n=_______ .
2. If x = - 1 is the solution of the equation 2x-3a = 7, then a=_______ .
3. When x=______ The values of the algebraic expressions X-1 and are opposite to each other
4. It is known that the sum of X and 3 times of X is less than 2 times of X, and the equation is________ .
5. In the equation 4x + 3Y = 1, express y by the algebraic expression of X, then y=________ .
If the price of a commodity is 5%, the price of the product is 6%____ Yuan
7. If the sum of three consecutive even numbers is 60, then these three numbers are________ .
8. For a job, it takes 6 days for Party A to do it alone, and 12 days for Party B to do it alone. If Party A and Party B do it together, they need to________ Days
2、 Multiple choice questions. (3 points for each question, 30 points in total)
9. If the equation 2m + x = 1 and 3x-1 = 2x + 1 have the same solution, then the value of M is ()
A.0 B.1 C.-2 D.-
10. The solution of the equation │ 3x │ = 18 is ()
A. One solution is 6 B. There are two solutions, which are ± 6
C. There are countless solutions
11. If the equation 2ax-3 = 5x + B has no solution, then a, B should satisfy ()
A.a≠ ,b≠3 B.a= ,b=-3
C.a≠ ,b=-3 D.a= ,b≠-3
12. The equation after converting the denominator of the equation into an integer is ()
13. On the 800 meter track, two people practice medium and long-distance running. A runs 300 meters per minute and B runs 260 meters per minute. The two start from the same ground, at the same time and in the same direction. They meet for the first time after t minutes, and t is equal to ()
A. 10 points b.15 points C.20 points d.30 points
14. In the first quarter of this year, a shopping mall found that February increased by 10% compared with January, and March decreased by 10% compared with February
A. Increase 10% B. decrease 10% C. neither increase nor decrease D. decrease 1%
15. In the trapezoid area formula s = (a + b) h, given that h = 6 cm, a = 3 cm, s = 24 square cm, then B = cm
A.1 B.5 C.3 D.4
16. Given that there are 28 people in group A and 20 people in group B, among the following deployment methods, the number of people in one group can be half of that in the other group
A. Transfer 12 people from group A to group B. transfer 4 people from group B to group A
C. Transfer 12 people from group B to group A
D. Transfer 12 people from group A to group B, or transfer 4 people from group B to group A
17. According to the rules of football match, a team wins three games, one draws one, and one loses zero. A team plays 14 games, loses five games and gets 19 points in total. Then the team wins () games
A.3 B.4 C.5 D.6
18. As shown in the figure, if one of the two items is removed from the left plate in figure a, how many weights can be removed from the right plate in Figure B to make the balance still balanced
A. 3 B. 4 C. 5 d. 6
3、 Answer questions. (19, 20 questions, 6 points for each question, 21, 22 questions, 7 points for each question, 23 and 24 questions, 10 points for each question, totally 46 points)
19. Solving equation: - 9.5
20. Solving the equation: (x-1) - (3x + 2) = - (x-1)
21. As shown in the figure, many information cards are pasted neatly on a display board. These cards are of the same size, and three square blanks are exposed between the cards, which are indicated by a slash in the figure. The short side length of the card is known to be 10 cm. If you want to match three pictures to fill in the blank, what size of the picture is needed
22. For a three digit number, the number in the hundred is one more than the number in the ten, and the number in the one digit is three times less than that in the ten digit number. 2. If the three digit sequence is reversed, the sum of the three digits obtained and the original three digit number is 1171, calculate the three digit number
23. It is understood that the train fare is determined according to the "method". The total mileage from station a to station h is 1500 km, and the reference price for the whole journey is 180 yuan. The following table shows the mileage from each station along the way to station H:
Station name a B C D E F G H
From each station to h station
Mileage (m) 1500 1130 910 622 402 219 720
For example: to determine the train fare from station B to station e, the fare is = 87.36 ≈ 87 (yuan)
(1) Find the train fare from station a to station f (the result is accurate to 1 yuan)
(2) The passenger, Aunt Wang, went to her daughter's house by train. After two stops on the train, she took her ticket and asked the steward, "am I coming to the station?" the steward saw that the ticket price in her hand was 66 yuan, and immediately said that the next station would be there. Could you tell me the station where Aunt Wang got off
24. The ticket prices of a park are as follows:
The number of ticket buyers is 1-50, 51-100 and more than 100
The ticket price is 5 yuan 4.5 yuan 4 yuan
If the number of class B (class B) is more than RMB 103, the number of class A and class B is more than one
(1) How much money can be saved if the two shifts work together as a group?
(2) How many students are there in each class
1、 1.3
2. - 3 (by substituting x = - 1 into the equation 2x-3a = 7, we get - 2-3a = 7 and a = - 3)
3. (click: solve the equation X-1 = -, get x =)
4. x+3x=2x-6 5.y= - x
525 (call: if the price is x yuan, then = 5%, x = 525 yuan)
8.4 [call: if it takes X days to complete, then x (+) = 1, x = 4]
2、 9. D
10. B (call: by classified discussion method:
When x ≥ 0, 3x = 18, ν x = 6
When x < 0, - 3 = 18, ν x = - 6
11. D (from 2ax-3 = 5x + B, we get (2a-5) x = B + 3. In order to make the equation unsolvable, we must make 2a-5 = 0, a =, B + 3 ≠ 0, B ≠ - 3, so the question should be d.)
12. B (dialing; in the process of deformation, the numerator and denominator of the fraction are expanded or reduced by the same multiple by using the properties of fraction, and the decimal equation is changed into an integer equation)
13. C (call: when a and B meet again, a runs 800 meters more than B, and the equation is 260t + 800 = 300t, and the solution is t = 20)
15. B (dial: from the formula s = (a + b) h, B = - 3 = 5cm)
16.D 17.C
18. A (dot: according to the properties of the equation 2)
3、 19
200(2-3y)-4.5= -9.5
20. Get rid of the denominator
21. Let the length of the card be x cm. According to the meaning of the picture and the title, the
5x = 3 (x + 10), x = 15
Therefore, the side length of the square image is 15-10 = 5 (CM)
Answer: need to match side length is 5 centimeter square picture
22. If the number in the ten digit is x, then the number in the individual digit is 3x-2, and the digit in the hundred digit is x + 1
The solution is x = 3
A: the original three digit number was 437
23. (1) the known value is 0.12
The actual mileage from station a to station h is 1500-219 = 1281 (km)
Therefore, the train fare from station a to station f is 0.12 × 1281 = 153.72 ≈ 154 (yuan)
(2) If the actual mileage of Aunt Wang is x km, according to the meaning of the question, we get = 66
According to the table, the distance between station D and station G is 550 km, so Aunt Wang got off at station D or station G
The total amount of tickets charged at 4 yuan per ticket is 103 × 4 = 412 yuan
486-412 = 74 yuan can be saved
(2) ∵ there are 103 people in class A and class B, and the number of people in class A is greater than that in class B
The number of students in class A is more than 50, and there are two situations in class B:
① If there are less than or equal to 50 people in class B, there are x people in class B, then there are (103-x) people in class A. according to the meaning of the title, we can get
The result shows that x = 45, 103-45 = 58 (person)
There are 58 people in class A and 45 in class B
② If there are more than 50 people in class B and X in class B, then there are (103-x) people in class A,
According to the meaning of the title, we get
∵ this equation does not hold, ᙽ this situation does not exist
So class A for 58 people, class B for 45 people

(1) x+3x=-16 (2) 16y-2.5y-7.5y=5 (3) 3x+5=4x+1 (4) 9-3y=5y+5 These are the four questions Mm-hmm

(1) x+3x=-16
(2) 16y-2.5y-7.5y=5
(3) 3x+5=4x+1
(4) 9-3y=5y+5

Junior one mathematical solution of one variable linear equation exercises. Online and other answers! Solve the following equation (1) 3(x-1)=5x+1 (2) 5(x-2)=4-(2-x)
