It is known that the definition domain of the function f (x) = sin (x + θ) + cos (x + θ) is R. (1) when θ = 0, find the monotone increasing interval of F (x). (2) if θ∈ It is known that the domain of definition of the function f (x) = sin (x + θ) + cos (x + θ) is R. (2) if θ∈ (0, π) and SiNx is not equal to 0, f (x) is even when θ is a value

It is known that the definition domain of the function f (x) = sin (x + θ) + cos (x + θ) is R. (1) when θ = 0, find the monotone increasing interval of F (x). (2) if θ∈ It is known that the domain of definition of the function f (x) = sin (x + θ) + cos (x + θ) is R. (2) if θ∈ (0, π) and SiNx is not equal to 0, f (x) is even when θ is a value

1. When θ = 0, f = SiNx + cosx. F '= cosx - SiNx, then 2K * π - 3 / 4 * π
When θ = 0, f = SiNx + cosx. F '= - cosx + SiNx, then 2K * 180
Monotone interval of y = 3cos (3x-4 π)
Because the monotone interval of y = cos (x / 2 + π / 3) I did in the previous problem, it is assumed that 2K π - π ≤ (x / 2 + π / 3) ≤ 2K π, and the monotone increment is obtained. In this problem, it is assumed that 2K π + π ≤ (3x-4 π) ≤ 2K π + 2 π, and the monotone increment is obtained
I want to ask why they are different
The two approaches are consistent,
Because the monotone increasing interval of cosine can be written as [2K π + π, 2K π + 2 π]
It can also be written as [2K π - π, 2K π]
Finding monotone interval of function y = 3cos (2x - π / 3)
The increasing range of cosx is [- π + 2K π, 2K π], and the decreasing range is [2K π, π + 2K π]
So let - π + 2K π
Because cosx increases on (2kpi pi / 2,2kpi) and decreases on [2kpi, 2kpi + pi / 2]
Therefore, according to relevant principles, the function increases when 2x pi / 3 belongs to (2kpi pi / 2,2kpi), and decreases when 2x pi / 3 belongs to [2kpi, 2kpi + pi / 2]
The range of solution x is monotone interval
Finally, we get that the original function increases on (kpi-pi / 12, KPI + pi / 6) and expands on [KPI + pi / 6, KPI + 5pi / 12]
Because cosx increases on (2kpi pi / 2,2kpi) and decreases on [2kpi, 2kpi + pi / 2]
Therefore, according to relevant principles, the function increases when 2x pi / 3 belongs to (2kpi pi / 2,2kpi), and decreases when 2x pi / 3 belongs to [2kpi, 2kpi + pi / 2]
The range of solution x is monotone interval
Finally, we get that the original function increases on (kpi-pi / 12, KPI + pi / 6) and decreases on [KPI + pi / 6, KPI + 5pi / 12] (k belongs to Z)
Function y = 3cos (2x tt / 3), X belongs to real number, in what interval is a decreasing function
How to do it
It is derived from the transformation of y = cosx
1. Move horizontally to the left Π / 6:
2. Horizontal compression 1 / 2:
3. Vertical stretch 3 times
The former coefficient is vertical stretching, which does not affect the change of domain; the common horizontal movement and compression directly affect the change of domain
Where cosx is decreasing on [2K Π, 2K Π + Π], that is, 2K Π ≤ x ≤ 2K Π + Π;
We can directly substitute the required function after cos as X of the above inequality, and then solve it
That is, the decreasing interval is: [K Π + Π / 6, K Π + 2 Π / 3] (K ∈ z)
The decreasing interval of function y = 3cos (- 2x + π / 4) x ∈ [- π, π]
When the function monotonically decreases, there are: 2K π, - 2x + π / 4 2K π + π (k is any integer),
In this paper, we sort out: - K π - (3 π / 8) x, - K π + (π / 8) and take its common interval with [- π, π],
That is to say, the function subtraction interval: [- π, (- 7 π / 8)] ∪ [(- 3 π / 8), (π / 8)] ∪ [(5 π / 8), π]
The decreasing interval of the function y = 3cos ((π / 3) - 2x) is
A.[kπ-(π/2),kπ+(5π/12)] (k∈z)
Choose C
First, the algebraic expression in brackets belongs to (0, π) closed interval,
Then the equation is solved to get [- (π / 3), + (π / 6)]
Because the period K π
So choose C
Original equivalent to: (2-cos ^ 2x) / (2-sin ^ 2x) = (1 + 2tan ^ 2x) / (2 + Tan ^ 2x)
Left = (1 + sin ^ 2x) / (1 + cos ^ 2x)
Right = (COS ^ 2x + 2Sin ^ 2x) / (2cos ^ 2x + sin ^ 2x) = (1 + sin ^ 2x) / (1 + cos ^ 2x) = left
Proof of the original formula
4-2cos²x+2tan²x-sin²x=2+4tan²x-sin²x- 2sin²xsin²x/cos²x
1-cos & # 178; X = Tan & # 178; x-sin & # 178; xsin & # 178; X... expansion
4-2cos²x+2tan²x-sin²x=2+4tan²x-sin²x- 2sin²xsin²x/cos²x
1-cos²x=tan²x- sin²xsin²x/cos²x
sin²x=tan²x cos²x
The equation is always closed
Sin (2x) / 1 + cos (2x) = 3 / 4, solving the math problem of Tan (x / 2)
Tan (x / 2) = - 3 or 1 / 3
Oh, I forgot all about it
It is proved that: (sin 2x / (1-cos 2x)) · (SiN x / (1 + SiN x)) = Tan (π / 4-x / 2)
[sin 2x /(1-cos 2x)]·[sin x /(1+sin x)]=2sinx*cosx*sinx/[2(sinx)^2*(1+sinx)]=cosx/(1+sinx)=[(cosx/2)^2-(sinx/2)^2]/[(cosx/2)^2+(sinx/2)^2+2cosx/2*sinx/2]=[(cosx/2+sinx/2)*(cosx/2-sinx/2)]/[(cosx/2+si...
Given that the elliptic equation 3x + 4Y = 12, the straight line L passes through the right focus F of the ellipse and the slope is 1, the chord length of the intersection of the equations connected by straight lines can be obtained
Chord length = 24 / 7