It is known that a (3,0), B (0,3), C (COS α, sin α), O are the coordinates of the origin 1. If the vector OC is parallel to the vector AB, find Tan α 2. Let f (α) = | vector OA - vector OC |, find the maximum and minimum of F (α), and find the corresponding value of α

It is known that a (3,0), B (0,3), C (COS α, sin α), O are the coordinates of the origin 1. If the vector OC is parallel to the vector AB, find Tan α 2. Let f (α) = | vector OA - vector OC |, find the maximum and minimum of F (α), and find the corresponding value of α

1. The angle a is 45 ° from the parallel OC of AB, then Tan 45 ° is 1
2. F (a) = | 3-cosa, - Sina | = under the radical (10-6cosa)
The maximum is 16, cosa is - 1, the minimum is 4, cosa is 0