The area of a triangle is 48cm2, and the area of the triangle surrounded by its three median lines is

The area of a triangle is 48cm2, and the area of the triangle surrounded by its three median lines is

The perimeter of a midline triangle is half that of the original triangle
So the area is a quarter of the original triangle
So the area is 12cm ²

Find the area ratio of the triangle surrounded by the three median lines of the triangle to the original triangle

The two triangles are similar triangles, and the similarity ratio is 1:2
The square of the area ratio equal to the similarity ratio is 1 / 4

Prove that the three midlines of a triangle intersect at one point

It is known that in △ ABC, BD is the AC midline, CE is the AB midline, and BD and CE intersect at point o,
Verify the midline AF crossing point O of BC
Extend Ao to BC at f '
Make BG parallel EC cross Ao extension line at G
Then, since e is the midpoint of AB, O is the midpoint of Ag
If GC is connected, OD is the median line in triangular AGC
BD parallel GC
So BOCG is a parallelogram
F 'bisect BC
F 'coincides with F
Central line AF of BC crosses point o
Therefore, it can be proved that the three midlines of the triangle intersect at one point
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As shown in the figure, if you know △ ABC, please make a triangle so that its area is twice the area of △ ABC

As shown in the figure, extend BC to d so that CD = BC,
Then BD = 2BC,
Set the distance from point a to BC as h,
Then s △ abd = 1
Therefore, △ abd is the triangle

As shown in the figure, in △ ABC, BD = 2da, CE = 2EB, AF = 2FC, then the area of △ ABC is the area of shadow triangle______ Times

Connecting De, DF and EF, from BD = 2da, CE = 2EB and AF = 2FC, it can be seen that triangle ADF area = triangle BDE area = triangle CEF area = 13 × 23 triangle ABC area = 29 of triangle ABC area according to the swallow tail theorem: the def area of the middle triangle is 13 of the ABC area of the triangle, and the shadow area = the def area of the triangle

As shown in the figure, D. e is the two points in the triangle ABC, connecting dB, de and CE. How about the size relationship between ab + AC and BD + de + EC,

Extend CE and AB to M
Extend BD and cm to F
In △ ACM
In △ BMF
In △ FDE