If we know that the equation x + X is a root______ .

If we know that the equation x + X is a root______ .

According to the meaning of the title, we can get
M = 2
So the answer is: 2

It is known that the solution of inequality group ① 2x-a < 1 ② x-2b > 3 is - 1 Math homework help users 2017-10-16 report Use this app to check the operation efficiently and accurately!

By solving these two inequalities respectively, the following results are obtained
The solution set of the original inequality system is: 2B + 3

It is known that the solution set of the inequality system x-a is greater than or equal to B 2x-3 and less than 2B + 1 is - 3 less than or equal to x less than 5, then the value of B in a is

x-a>=b x>=a+b

If {3x-a is greater than or equal to 0, the integer solution of 2x-b is less than or equal to 0, only 1,2 is obtained, So how many ordinal pairs (a, b) of integers a and B are suitable for this inequality?

From ①, X ≥ A / 3
From (2): X ≤ B / 2
The solution set of inequality system is a / 3 ≤ x ≤ B / 2
∵ the integer solution is only 1,2
/ / 0 < A / 3 ≤ 1,2 ≤ B / 2 < 3 (you should be able to understand this step by analyzing on the number axis)
The solution is: 0 < a ≤ 3,4 ≤ B < 6
The ordinal number pairs (a, b) composed of integers a and B are 3 × 2 = 6
Therefore, there are six ordinal pairs (a, b) composed of integers a and B

If 2x-a of inequality system is large equal to 0, and the integer solution of 3x-b less than 0 is only 1.2.3, then how many integers a and B are suitable for this inequality group

2x-a ≥ 0 leads to X ≥ 0.5A, and 3x-b < 0 leads to x 〈 B / 3. Because only 1,2,3 are integer solutions, then 0 〈 0.5A ≤ 1,3 〈 B / 3 ≤ 4 is obtained. Therefore, 0 〈 a ≤ 2,9 〈 B ≤ 12 is obtained. Because X and y are integers, then x = 1 or 2, y = 10 or 11 or 12

Find the integral solution of the inequality group 3x + 1 greater than or equal to 2x, X / 2 greater than - 4, 3x + 1 less than 10

3x + 1 ≥ 2x, X ≥ - 1
X / 2 > - 4, x > - 8

Solving inequality group 2x - (2x-1) / 2

①2x-(2x-1)/2<1 ②(3x-4)/x≤2x+3
①∶4x-2x+1<2 ,x<1/2
②∶3x-4≤2x²+3x ,2x²≥-4 ,x²≥-2 ,∵x²≥0 ,∴x≥0,
∵x<1/2 ,∴x=0

The inequality group 2x + 5 is greater than 1 and 3x-8 is less than or equal to 10

If 2x + 5 > 1, then x > - 2
If 3x-8 ≤ 10, then x ≤ 6
Therefore, the solution set of inequality system is - 2 < x ≤ 6
Because: the solution of X is an integer
So: the integer solution is: - 1,0,1,2,3,4,5,6

Solving inequality system x-3 (X-2) is greater than or equal to 4, 1 + 2x / 3 is greater than X-1

X-3 (X-2) greater than or equal to 4
3-3x + 6 is greater than or equal to 4 - 2x is greater than or equal to - 2, and X of - 2 is less than or equal to 1
1 + 2x / 3 is greater than X-1
3 + 2x of 3 on both sides is greater than 3x-3
X is less than 6

Solving inequality system: x + 1 / 2-2x-1 / 10 > 4x + 3 2x + 1 / 3-1 is greater than or equal to X-1 / 2

The original formula = [1 / (x + 1)] - [(x + 3) / (x? - 1)] × [(x? - 2x + 1) / (x? + 4x + 3)]
=[1/(x+1)]-{ (x+3)/[(x+1)(x-1)] }×{ (x-1)²/[(x+1)(x+3)] }