Xiao Ming and Xiao Hua solved the equations MX + y = 5,2x-ny = 13 at the same time. Xiao Ming misread m and got x = 7 / 2, y = - 2. Xiao Hua misread N and got x = 3, y = - 7. Do you know the correct solution of the original equations?

Xiao Ming and Xiao Hua solved the equations MX + y = 5,2x-ny = 13 at the same time. Xiao Ming misread m and got x = 7 / 2, y = - 2. Xiao Hua misread N and got x = 3, y = - 7. Do you know the correct solution of the original equations?

Analysis: according to the meaning of the question, the two groups of solutions are respectively substituted into the original equation system to get the m, n equation to be solved, and then the value of M, n is substituted into the original equation system to find its correct solution

Simultaneous solution of equations by two persons a and B mx+y=5 2X + NY = 13, a is wrong to read m in ① x=7 Two Y = - 2, b read the wrong n in ② when solving the problem x=3 Y = - 7, try to find the solution of the original equations

If y = - 2 is substituted into ②, 2 × 7 is obtained
2 + n × (- 2) = 13, n = - 3,
When y = - 7 is substituted into ①, 3m-7 = 5, M = 4,
The original equations are
2x-3y=13 ,
① X 3 + 2 gives 14x = 28 and x = 2,
Substituting x = 2 into ① gives y = - 3,
That is, the solution of the original equations is
y=-3 .

Xiao Ming and Xiao Hua solve the equation system {MX + y = 5,2x-ny = 13 at the same time. Xiao Ming misunderstood m and got {x = 7 / 2, y = - 2. Xiao Hua misread n

2X = NY = 13 there is something wrong with the equation. It should be: 2x NY = 13? First
If Xiao Ming misreads m, then n is correct. Substituting Xiao Ming's answer into 2x NY = 13, we get the following result:
The solution is n = - 3
In the same way, if Xiaohua misreads n, then M is correct. Substituting MX + y = 5, we get the following result:
The original equation is as follows:

At the same time, a and B solve the equations {MX + y = 5 {2x NY = 13. A misunderstands m and gets x = 3.5 y = - 2. B misreads N and solves x = 3, y = - 7

The original equation is
(1) (2) × 2
In (1), we get the following results:
If there is anything you don't understand, you can ask,

A and B worked together to solve the equations MX + 2Y = 6 and 2x NY = - 3. Because a misread the value of m in equation 2, the solution was x = - 3, y A and B work together to solve the equations ① MX + 2Y = 6 and ② 2x NY = - 3. Since a misread the m value in equation ①, the obtained solution is x = - 3, y = - 2, and B misreads the n value in equation ②. The solution of the equation system is x = - 5, y = 2. Try to find the value of the algebraic formula m? 2 + n? 2 + Mn

If x = - 3 and y = - 2 are substituted into 2x NY = - 3, the result is: 2 × (- 3) - n × (- 2) = - 3-6 + 2n = - 3N = 1.5 B. if x = - 5 and y = 2 are substituted into MX + 2Y = 6, we can get: - 5m + 4 = 6m = - 0.4m ~ 2 + Mn = (- 0.4) Ω + 1.5? - 0.4 × 1.5 = 0.16

Both Party A and Party B solve the equations MX + NY = - 8 mx-ny = 5 at the same time. Because a misread m in equation 1 and gets x = 4Y = 2 and B misreads n in equation 2, x = 2Y = 5 To explain the process, the results! Thank you

In equation 1, we misread m, which shows that the solution x = 4, y = 2 satisfies equation 2: mx-ny = 5; similarly, solution x = 2, y = 5 satisfies equation 1: MX + NY = - 8
So 4m-2n = 52m + 5N = - 8
M=3/8 N=-7/4
In this paper, m and N are introduced into the original equations, where x = - 4, y = 26 / 7

A and B solved the equations MX + NY = - 8 (1), MX NX = 8 (2) at the same time, B misread n in equation (2), and the solution is x = 2, y = 5. Try to find the correct value of M and N. the correct answer is m = 1, n = - 2

X = 4, y = 2 is replaced by MX NX = 8 (2). X = 2, y = 5 is replaced by MX + NY = - 8 (1) to form a new system of equations,

A and B solved the equations MX + NY = - 8 (1), MX NY = 8 (2) at the same time A and B solve the equations MX + NY = - 8 (1), MX NX = 5 (2). Because a misread m in equation (1), the solution is x = 4, y = 2, and B is wrong about N in equation (2), and the solution is x = 2, y = 5. Try to find the value of the algebraic formula 2m + 3N

A only misread equation (1), so x = 4, y = 2 are the solutions of equation (2)
Substituting into equation (2): 4m-2n = 8 ①
B only misread equation (2), so x = 2, y = 5 are the solutions of equation (1)
Substituting into equation (1), 2m + 5N = - 8 ②
① - 2 × 2, then: - 12n = 24, n = - 2
Substitute n = - 2 into (1), M = 1

Simultaneous solution of equations by two persons a and B mx+ny=−8(1) MX − NY = 5 (2), because a misread m in equation (1), the solution is x=4 Y = 2, B misread n of (2) in the equation, and the solution is x=2 Y = 5, try to find the correct value of M, n

A misread m in equation (1), and the solution is
Y = 2, so 4m-2n = 5,
B misread n in equation (2), and the solution is
Y = 5, so 2m + 5N = - 8,
By solving the equations, we get
4 .

A and B solve the equations MX + NY = - 8 (1), MX NX = 5 (2) at the same time

A misread the number in (1), that is, for equation (2), the solution of a is suitable
So substituting x = 4, y = 5 into equation 2, we get
In the same way, B misread the number of ②, and the solution obtained is suitable for equation ①
By substituting x = 2, y = 5 into equation 1, we can get
2m+5n= - 8
Therefore, m, n can be obtained by solving the two equations
m=3/8,n= - 7/4