Party A and Party B are facing each other from a and B at the same time. The first time they meet is 40 kilometers away from A. after meeting, they still advance at the same speed, return to the destination immediately, and meet again at 20 kilometers away from A. how many kilometers is the distance between a and B?

Party A and Party B are facing each other from a and B at the same time. The first time they meet is 40 kilometers away from A. after meeting, they still advance at the same speed, return to the destination immediately, and meet again at 20 kilometers away from A. how many kilometers is the distance between a and B?

Party A and Party B are facing each other from a and B at the same time. The first time they meet is 40 kilometers away from A. after meeting, they still advance at the same speed, return to the destination immediately, and meet again at 20 kilometers away from A. how many kilometers is the distance between a and B?
Party A and Party B are traveling from AB to ab at different speeds. They first meet at 90km away from A. after meeting, they continue to move forward and stand at the end respectively
That is to say, when you return, you will meet for the second time 30 kilometers away from point B. what is the distance between two points AB?
The first encounter takes a whole journey, and the second encounter takes three whole journeys. Then the first encounter takes two whole journeys
For a, a total of 1, more than 30 kilometers
The first encounter, a walked 90 meters, later should be two 90 kilometers, that is 90x2 = 180 kilometers
Then 90 + 180 is equivalent to 30 kilometers more than a whole journey
Therefore, a whole journey is 90 + 180 - 30 = 240 km
The formula is as follows
90x3-30 = 240 (km)
A: the distance between a and B is 240 kilometers
Let the distance between two points AB be x kilometers
The distance between two points AB is 240 kilometers
The first time they meet, they are 90 kilometers away from a station. Then they continue to drive at the same speed. When they arrive at each other's departure station, they immediately return along the same road. The second time they meet, the distance from a station accounts for 65% of the total length between a and B stations. How many kilometers is the distance between a and B stations?
90 × 3 = 270 (km), the second meeting in 65% of the place, which means that where a is: 1-65% = 35%, 270 meters includes a whole journey, so the corresponding road length score of 270 meters: 1 + 35%, AB: 270 ^ (1-65% + 1), = 270 ^ (1.35), = 200 (km). A: the distance between a and B stations is 200 km
The two cars of Party A and Party B respectively drove from a and B at different speeds at the same time. For the first time, they met 90 kilometers away from city a, and they met each other
After meeting, the two cars continued to move forward at the same speed, and returned immediately after reaching the destination. The second meeting was 30 kilometers away from city A. how far is the distance between city a and city B?
Find the answer, the process, the formula
According to the diagram, the distance between the first meeting and the first meeting is 3 times of the distance between the first meeting and the first meeting
There is a pile of chemical fertilizer that can be transported in 4 days by 3 large trucks, 5 days by 4 small trucks and 6 days by 20 trucks
How many trucks and minivans must be used in two days after the delivery?
(1-3/4)/ 1/(20*6)=1/4 / 1/120=30
30 / 2 = 15 trucks
Chemical fertilizer that can be transported by each truck every day: 12 large trucks, 20 small trucks and 120 small trucks
1 / 12 for large trucks, 1 / 20 for small trucks and 1 / 120 for scooters
At present, 2 large trucks, 3 small trucks and 7 pallet trucks are used to transport for 2 days
(2 1 / 12 + 3 1 / 20 + 7 1 / 120) * 2 = 90 / 120 = 3 / 4
There are 1-3 / 4 = 1 / 4 tasks left.
1 / 4 divided by (1 / 120 times 2) = 1 / 4 divided by 1 / 60 = 15 vehicles, thank you
Chemical fertilizer that can be transported by each truck every day: 12 large trucks, 20 small trucks and 120 small trucks
1 / 12 for large trucks, 1 / 20 for small trucks and 1 / 120 for scooters
At present, 2 large trucks, 3 small trucks and 7 pallet trucks are used to transport for 2 days
(2 1 / 12 + 3 1 / 20 + 7 1 / 120) * 2 = 90 / 120 = 3 / 4
There are 1-3 / 4 = 1 / 4 tasks left.
1 / 4 divided by (1 / 120 multiplied by 2) = 1 / 4 divided by 1 / 60 = 15 vehicles!!!!!
Two people can count one, two, three in turn, but not without counting. From the beginning, who counts to 100 wins, how can we win
A late comer will win
First count x, then (4-x)
The total number of hands in the middle stage must be 4
Finally, the first hand must count to 97, the most to 99, and the second hand (4-x) can count to 100
The ratio of walking speed between a and B is 13:11. If a and B start from ab at the same time and walk in opposite directions, it will take 5 hours
The ratio of walking speed between a and B is 13:11. If a and B start from ab at the same time and walk in opposite directions, they will meet in 5 hours. If they walk in the same direction, how many hours will it take a to catch up with B?
Take AB distance as unit 1
The sum of speed per hour is 1 / 5
The hourly speed difference between Party A and Party B is 1 / 5 ÷ (13 + 11) × (13-11) = 1 / 60
It takes 60 hours for a to catch up with B
60 hours.
There are 64kg grain in the warehouse, which is required to be transported to a certain place at one time. Each large truck carries 5 tons, and each small truck carries 3 tons. Now there are 8 large trucks, and several small trucks are needed
There is something wrong with your question
There are 64 tons of grain in the warehouse, which are required to be transported to a certain place at one time. Each large truck carries 5 tons, and each small truck carries 3 tons. Now there are 8 large trucks. How many small trucks are needed?
Quantity of small trucks needed:
How to determine the group distance
A mathematics competition was held in a city. There were 50 contestants. Their scores were as follows: (100 points system)
(1) According to the above data, draw the histogram of this mathematics competition
The second semester of junior one (PEP)
Help me to calculate the above problem!
The problem is worked out as follows:
(max min) △ group distance = number of groups
(99-60) △ 5 = seven and four fifths (that is eight), so its group number is 8
The group distance is set by ourselves. So we have to assume that the quotient of the maximum minus the minimum divided by the group distance must be between 5 and 12 groups. That's OK~~
These are all in books. As long as you look at them carefully, you will~~
A and B vehicles transport goods from AB to each other's location respectively. A vehicle starts 15 minutes earlier than B vehicle, and the speed of a and B vehicles is 2:3
When they met, car a traveled 16 kilometers more than car B. It took car B 1 hour and 30 minutes to find the speed of car a and car B and the distance between two places
(solution of equation)
If the speed of car a is x, then the speed of car B is 3x / 2
The time of vehicle a is 7 / 4 hours and the driving distance is 7x / 4
The driving distance of car B is 9x / 4
When x is a positive number, the distance of car B is more than that of car a
So the problem is wrong, otherwise there is no solution
If car B travels 16 kilometers more than car a
The solution is x = 32
The speed of car a is 32 km / h and that of car B is 48 km / h
The distance between the two places is 9x / 4 + 7x / 4 = 4x = 128km
Let a's speed be 2x, B's speed be 3x, 15 minutes = 0.25 hours, 1 hour 30 minutes = 1.5 hours
The equation is: distance of a - distance of B = 16
There is no answer. There may be some problems