A and B leave from ab respectively. Car a travels 96 kilometers per hour, and car B 88 kilometers per hour. When they meet, they are 40 kilometers away from the midpoint of ab. how many kilometers are ab from each other?

A and B leave from ab respectively. Car a travels 96 kilometers per hour, and car B 88 kilometers per hour. When they meet, they are 40 kilometers away from the midpoint of ab. how many kilometers are ab from each other?

Let AB be 2x apart, then by using their equal time, (x + 40) / 96 = (x-40) / 88, we get x = 920, so AB is 1840 meters apart
(96 + 88) * 40 / (96-88) = 960km
A and B drive from AB for 6 hours at the same time. After meeting, the two vehicles continue to move forward. At 4 o'clock, a arrives at B, and B is 250 kilometers away from a
It takes 6 + 4 = 10 hours for car a to complete the whole journey. When meeting, car a takes 6 / 10 of the whole journey, that is, 3 / 5. When meeting, car B takes 1-3 / 5 = 2 / 5 of the whole journey, car B takes 2 / 5 of the whole journey in 6 hours, car B takes 2 / 5 △ 6 = 1 / 15 of the whole journey every hour, car B also takes 10 hours, and car B takes 1 / 15 × 10 = 2 / 3 of the whole journey
A / b speed ratio 6:4 = 3:2
AB whole course 250 △ 3-2 X3 = 750 km
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A / b speed ratio 6:4 = 3:2
AB whole course 250 △ 3-2 X3 = 750 km
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There are 70 tons of goods to be transported from land a to land B. the carrying capacity of large trucks is 11 tons, and that of small trucks is 6 tons,
The oil consumption of a small truck is 7 liters. Q: the minimum oil consumption after transporting this batch of goods________ (detailed process)
Write out the general term formula of a sequence of numbers so that the first few terms are the following numbers
1 / 2, - 1 / 2,3 / 8, - 1 / 4
1, 3, 6, 10, 15
The first question is actually 1 / 2, - 2 / 4, - 3 / 8, - 4 / 16
So the general term is n / 2 * (- 1 / 2) ^ (n-1)
Question 2 n (n + 1) / 2
The second is n (n + 1) / 2, that is, each term is the sum of the first n terms of the natural sequence.
The first one doesn't understand~
If it takes more than 2 hours to get to the two places ahead of schedule, then the distance between the two places is more than 2 hours?
More (s / A-2 - S / a) km
First find the original speed, and then subtract the current speed, and the current time can also be expressed, so what's your problem
S / (A-2) - S / A~
There are 59 tons of goods to be transported from place a to place B. the carrying capacity of large trucks is 7 tons, and that of small trucks is 4 tons. The fuel consumption of large trucks is 14 liters, and that of small trucks is 9 liters. So how many liters of fuel will be consumed at least?
The fuel consumption per ton of large trucks is 14 △ 7 = 2 (L); that of small trucks is 9 △ 4 = 2.25 (L), so the fuel consumption per ton of large trucks is less. Therefore, under the condition of full load as far as possible, the fuel consumption of large trucks is the least If 8 large trucks are used, the fuel consumption of 1 small truck is 8 × 14 + 1 × 9, = 112 + 9, = 121 (L). If 7 large trucks are used, the fuel consumption of 3 small trucks is 14 × 7 + 3 × 9, = 98 + 27, = 125 (L), 125 > 121. 8 large trucks are needed, and 1 small truck can be fully loaded. The fuel consumption is 121 L. A: the minimum fuel consumption is 121 L after transporting these goods It's a liter
Output the first 20 items of Fibonacci sequence, one number per line
using namespace std;
int main()
{int a,b,i;
The distance between a and B is s kilometers. Someone drives from a to B. he originally planned to arrive in a hour, but he arrived two hours ahead of time. The actual time is shorter than that
The original plan is too much_____ Km. The first speed is () and the second speed is () good bonus points
Original speed = s / a -- that is, the first speed
Actual speed = s / (A-2) - that is, the second speed
Therefore, the actual number of lines per hour is more than the original plan__ s/(a-2)-s/a___ Kilometer
The distance between a and B is s kilometers. Someone drives from a to B, and the original plan is a hour. As a result, he arrives two hours ahead of schedule. In fact, every hour is s / (A-2) - S / a kilometers more than the original plan
The first velocity is (s / a),
The second velocity is s / (A-2)
The original planned speed was s / a km / h. The speed of arriving 2 hours in advance is s / (A-2) km / h. The actual line per hour is s / (A-2) - S / a = 2S / (a (A-2)) a km more than the original plan
The first speed s \ a, the second speed s \ (A-2), more lines per hour on the two subtraction
There are 1575 tons of goods transported from place a to place B. the carrying capacity of large trucks is 5 tons, and that of small trucks is 2 tons. Large trucks and small trucks each transport one time
Then: the fuel consumption of fuel is 10 liters and 5 liters respectively. Q: how to select vehicles to minimize the fuel consumption of transportation? How many liters of gasoline is required?
Let's make a list
It's not 1575 tons, it's 1576 tons!
Try to use big cars, and use small cars for the rest,
1576 △ 5 = 315 1 ton
The remaining 1 ton will be transported by a small car
Total oil consumption 315 * 10 + 5 = 3155 liters
The rest of the car
Three times,
314 * 10 + 3 * 5 = 3155 tons
Starting from 1, write an integer every two integers to get a sequence: 1, 4, 7, 10 Q: what is the 100th number?
1 + (100-1) × 3 = 1 + 99 × 3, = 298; answer: the 100th number is 298