A and B run from a and B at the same time. The two cars meet at 50 kilometers from the midpoint. A travels 30 kilometers per hour, B travels 20% more than a

A and B run from a and B at the same time. The two cars meet at 50 kilometers from the midpoint. A travels 30 kilometers per hour, B travels 20% more than a

50 × 2 △ 20% = 100 × 5 = 500 (km) 500 × (1 + 20%) = 500 × 1.2 = 600 (km) 500 + 600 = 1100 (km) a: the distance between AB and ab is 1100 km
Car a and car B travel from AB to each other. Car a travels 70 kilometers per hour, while car B travels 65 kilometers per hour. The meeting point of the two cars is 20 kilometers away from the destination,
A and B are thousands of meters apart? (use the equation) I'm only in grade five! Use the equation
The distance between a and B is x km
The meeting point of the two cars is 20 kilometers away from the terminal,
Then B line 20 kilometers
A and B start from ab at the same time and meet 40 meters away from the destination. The speed ratio of a and B is 6:5. How many meters is the distance between AB and ab?
40 km from the midpoint
=880 km
A: the distance between AB and ab is 880km
Is it developed vgsdgfzsadgsfdgsdfhgsdgwase
A and B start from two places at the same time and travel in opposite directions. A travels 50 kilometers per hour, B 40 kilometers per hour. When a meets B, a travels 40 kilometers more than B. what is the distance between AB and B
Car a runs 50 kilometers per hour,
Car B runs 40 kilometers per hour,
Car a travels 10 kilometers more than car B per hour,
When they met, car a drove 40 kilometers more than car B,
The two cars met in four hours,
When they met, car a drove 200 kilometers and car B 160 kilometers,
The distance between a and B is 360 kilometers
The speed and speed of a and B are 90 kilometers per hour,
The two cars met in four hours,
The distance between a and B is 360 kilometers
50 times 4 + 40 times 4 = 360
In the "urban and rural cleaning project", an environmental sanitation team rents a number of vehicles with a carrying capacity of 8 tons to transport a batch of construction waste. If each vehicle only contains 4 tons, then 20 tons of construction waste is left; if each vehicle is full of 8 tons, then the last vehicle is not empty. How many vehicles does the environmental sanitation team rent?
If there are x cars, there are (4x + 20) tons of goods. From the meaning of the title, we get 0 < (4x + 20) - 8 (x-1) < 8, and the solution is 5 < x < 7. ∵ x is a positive integer, ∵ x = 6
How to do X * x ^ 3 + (- 2x ^ 2) ^ 2 + 14x ^ 6 / (- 4x ^ 2)?
Original formula = x ^ 4 + 4x ^ 4 - (14 / 4)? 絰 ^ 6 / x? P > = x ^ 4 + 4x ^ 4-7x ^ 4 / 2 = (1 + 4-7 / 2) x ^ 4 = 3x ^ 4 / 2
A and B travel from a to B at the same speed. When a reaches 40% of the whole journey, B travels 9.6 kilometers. When a reaches B, B is 15 miles away from B. find the distance between a and B
A: the distance between a and B is 30 km
On the value of the discriminant of the root of the quadratic equation with one variable X - MX + 1 is 12, then M = we need it now!
In the "urban and rural cleaning project", an environmental sanitation team rents a number of vehicles with a carrying capacity of 8 tons to transport a batch of construction waste. If each vehicle only contains 4 tons, then 20 tons of construction waste is left; if each vehicle is full of 8 tons, then the last vehicle is not empty. How many vehicles does the environmental sanitation team rent?
If there are x cars, there are (4x + 20) tons of goods. From the meaning of the title, we get 0 < (4x + 20) - 8 (x-1) < 8, and the solution is 5 < x < 7. ∵ x is a positive integer, ∵ x = 6
(2x-6)/(4-4x+x^2)÷(x+3)×[(x+3)(x-2)]/(3-x) =2(x-3)/(4-4x+x^2)×1/(x+3)×[(x+3)(x-2)]/(3-x) =2(x-3)/(4-4x+x^2)×(x-2)/(3-x) =-2(x-3)/(4-4x+x^2)×(x-2)/(x-3) =-2(x-2)/(4-4x+x^2)=-2(x-2)/(x-2)^2=-2/(x-...