A and B vehicles leave from ab at the same time. It is known that a vehicle travels 50 kilometers per hour and B vehicle 40 kilometers per hour. When a vehicle meets B vehicle, a vehicle travels 40 kilometers more than B vehicle. The distance is calculated

A and B vehicles leave from ab at the same time. It is known that a vehicle travels 50 kilometers per hour and B vehicle 40 kilometers per hour. When a vehicle meets B vehicle, a vehicle travels 40 kilometers more than B vehicle. The distance is calculated

Encounter time = 40 △ 50-40 = 40 △ 10 = 4 (hours)
AB distance between two places = (50 + 40) × 4 = 90 × 4 = 360 (km)
In the "urban and rural cleaning project", an environmental sanitation team rents a number of vehicles with a carrying capacity of 8 tons to transport a batch of construction waste. If each vehicle only contains 4 tons, then 20 tons of construction waste is left; if each vehicle is full of 8 tons, then the last vehicle is not empty. How many vehicles does the environmental sanitation team rent?
If there are x cars, there are (4x + 20) tons of goods. From the meaning of the title, we get 0 < (4x + 20) - 8 (x-1) < 8, and the solution is 5 < x < 7. ∵ x is a positive integer, ∵ x = 6
Solution: 3.14x/2 + x = 5.14
solve equations
Checking calculation
Party A and Party B walk in the same direction on the same road from a and B with a distance of 5km. The speed of Party A is 5km / h, and that of Party B is 3km / h. Party A takes a dog with him. When Party A pursues Party B, the dog first catches up with Party B, then returns to meet Party A, and then returns to catch up with Party B, and repeats in turn until Party A overtakes Party B. the known speed of the dog is 15km / h What's the distance?
Suppose it takes x hours for two people to meet, then the equation can be formulated by the meaning of the question, 3x + 5 = 5x, 5x-3x = 5, & nbsp; & nbsp; X = 5 △ 2, & nbsp; & nbsp; X = 2.5; because a dog runs back and forth between two people without stopping, so when a catches up with B, the dog runs: 15 × 2.5 = 37.5 (km), a: the total distance of the dog is 37.5 km
Let a > 0, b > 0, if 2 is the equal ratio of 4A and 2B, then the minimum value of 2A + 1b is ()
A. 22B. 8C. 9D. 10
Because 4A · 2B = 2, 2A + B = 1, 2A + 1b = (2a + b) (2a + 1b) = 5 + 2 (Ba + AB) ≥ 5 + 4BA · AB = 9, if and only if Ba = AB, i.e. a = b = 12 "=" holds, so select C
\The factory donated a batch of goods to the disaster area and transported them by several 8-ton trucks. If each truck only carries 5 tons, then 10 tons of goods will be left
Process, speed and correctness
The factory donated a batch of goods to the disaster area and transported them by several 8-ton trucks. If each truck is only loaded with 5 tons, there will be 10 tons of goods left. If each truck is full of 8 tons, the last truck will not be empty and dissatisfied. How many trucks are there? How many tons of goods are there?
With X cars, there are (5x + 10) tons of goods. When each car is full of 8 tons of goods, it is more than (5x + 10) tons; when (x-1) cars are full of 8 tons of goods, it is less than (5x + 10) tons. According to the meaning of the question, there are inequality groups
5X+10﹤8X (1)
5X+10﹥8(X-1) (2)
The solution (1) is x > 10 / 3
Solution (2) shows that x < 6
So, 10 / 3 < x < 6
Because x is an integer
So, x = 4 or x = 5
When x = 4, 5x + 10 = 5 × 4 + 10 = 30
When x = 5, 5x + 10 = 5 × 5 + 10 = 35
A: there may be 4 cars and 30 tons of goods, or 5 cars and 35 tons of goods
How to solve 3.14x divided by 2 + x = 20.56
thank you!
On the same road, a and B travel in the same direction from a and B, which are 5km apart. The speed of a is 5km / h, and that of B is 3km / h,
Solve by equation
Is it time to meet?
Suppose two people meet at x hours after departure
Let the time for a to catch up with B be n hours
The solution is n = 2.5
Distance: 15 × 2.5 = 37.5 (km)
The square of x-4 root sign 3ax + 12a = 0
If you don't understand, please ask. If you understand, please select it as a satisfactory answer in time! (*^__ ^*Thank you!
If there are several trucks, the weight of each shipment is 8 tons
If there are no more than 8 tons of vehicles in the last batch, there will be a total of 8 tons for each vehicle_____ Tons of goods
Pay attention to the goods!
With X cars