Car a and car B run from a and B at the same time. Car a runs 56 kilometers per hour and car B runs 48 kilometers per hour. The two cars meet at 32 kilometers from the midpoint. How many kilometers is the distance between a and B?

Car a and car B run from a and B at the same time. Car a runs 56 kilometers per hour and car B runs 48 kilometers per hour. The two cars meet at 32 kilometers from the midpoint. How many kilometers is the distance between a and B?

A: the distance between a and B is 832 km
Car a and car B start from ab. car a travels 48 kilometers per hour, and car B runs 40 kilometers per hour. The two cars meet at 32 kilometers from the midpoint
Happy perilla rain,
When we met, car a had more lines than car B:
32 × 2 = 64 (km)
The meeting time is:
64 (48-40) = 8 (hours)
Distance between the two places:
(48 + 40) × 8 = 704 (km)
32 × 2 = 64 km
64 (48-40) = 8 hours
(48 + 40) × 8 = 704km AB distance between the two places
Suppose it takes x hours from departure to meeting
(48 + 40) × 8 = 704km
So AB is 704 kilometers apart
When we met, car a had more lines than car B:
32 × 2 = 64 (km)
The meeting time is:
64 (48-40) = 8 (hours)
Distance between the two places:
(48 + 40) × 8 = 704 (km)
Car a and car B leave the two places at the same time along the highway. Car a travels 48 kilometers per hour on average, and car B 54 kilometers per hour on average. When they meet, they are 36 kilometers away from the midpoint of the two places. How many kilometers are there between the two places?
Driving time when meeting: 36 × 2 ^ (54-48), = 72 ^ 6, = 12 (hours); distance between the two places: (48 + 54) × 12, = 102 × 12, = 1224 (km); answer: the distance between the two places is 1224 km
Chicken and rabbit are in the same cage, with 45 heads on the top and 126 feet on the bottom?
Suppose all rabbits, then chickens have: (45 × 4-126) △ 4-2, = 54 △ 2, = 27 (rabbits), then rabbits have: 45-27 = 18 (rabbits), answer: there are 27 chickens and 18 rabbits
On the same road, Party A and Party B walk in the same direction from two places, AB, 5000 meters apart. The speed of Party A is 5 kilometers per hour, and that of Party B is 3 kilometers per hour. Party A takes a dog with him. When Party A pursues Party B, the stone dog first catches up with Party A and then returns to catch up with Party B on the way back, and then repeats until Party A overtakes Party B. the speed of the known dog is 15000 meters per hour
5000 m = 5 km
15000 M = 15 km
Let X be the kilometer
5000t=5000+3000t t=2.5
15000 * 2.5 = 37500m question: can we set up a linear equation with one variable?
If (k-1) x & # 178; - (K + 1) x + 8 = 0 is a linear equation of one variable with respect to X
【1】 Find the value of 2013 (4k-x) (x-2011k) + 2013k. [2] find the solution of the equation k|y| = x about y
(k-1) &# 178; - (K + 1) x + 8 = 0 is a linear equation of one variable with respect to x, then
If the coefficient of quadratic term k-1 = 0, then k = 1
Y = 4 or - 4
Suppose I don't know that either
A batch of goods will be transported by several 8-ton trucks. If each truck is only loaded with 4 tons, the remaining 20 tons of goods will be transported. If each truck is filled with 8 tons
The last car is not empty. How many cars are there? Please
There are x cars
There are five cars
If a square is used to circle the sum of 3x3 numbers on the calendar of a month as 126, then the nine days are? Please use the equation to solve
There is a 7-day difference between the days in two adjacent lines of the calendar. Let the day in the middle be X
The nine days are as follows:
Their sum = 9x = 126
X = 14
So these nine days are:
1 2 3
8 9 10
15 16 17
The bus and the truck start from a and B at the same time, and run in opposite directions. The truck runs 60 kilometers per hour. As a result, the two cars meet 48 kilometers away from the destination·
If a gas station is built in C, which is 80 km away from a, the speed of the bus after passing the gas station will double, then the bus will meet the truck at the midpoint after passing the gas station for 2 hours. How many meters is the distance between a and B?
Change the first sentence to: the passenger car and the freight car start from a and B at the same time and run in opposite directions. The freight car runs 60 kilometers per hour. As a result, the two cars meet at 48 kilometers from the midpoint.
If a gas station is built in C, which is 80 km away from a, the speed of the bus after passing the gas station will be doubled, then the bus will meet the truck just at the midpoint 2 hours after passing the gas station
The midpoint,
It is known from the title that the initial speed of freight cars is faster than that of passenger cars
48 / 60 = 0.8 hours (less time)
48 / (2 * 2-2.8) = 40 (initial speed of passenger car)
(40 * 2 + 80) * 2 = 320 (AB distance)
Given that the equation (K & # 178; - 1) x & # 178; + x ^ (K + 2) + k = 0 is a linear equation of one variable with respect to x, then K=____
‖ k = - 1 or K = 1
Because it's one yuan once, so K & # 178; - 1 = 0, K + 2 = 1
So k = - 1