A and B meet each other at the same time. The distance between a and B is 60km

A and B meet each other at the same time. The distance between a and B is 60km

At the time of meeting, car a went through 80 (80 + 60) = 4 / 7 of the whole journey
The length of the whole journey is 40 (4 / 7-1 / 2) = 560km
A: the whole journey is 560 kilometers long
The two cars run from A. B to A. B at the same time. Car a travels 80 kilometers per hour, while car B travels 60 kilometers per hour. When the two cars meet, it is 40 kilometers from the midpoint of the whole journey,
When the two cars met, they were 40 kilometers away from the midpoint of the whole journey
A drives 40 * 2 more than B = 80 km
The time of meeting is 80 (80-60) = 4 hours
AB distance (80 + 60) * 4 = 560km
A and B start from AB and arrive at B at 4 o'clock. A travels 60 kilometers per hour and B 80 kilometers per hour. What's the whole journey
A / b speed ratio = 60:80 = 3:4
When we meet. 3 / 7 of the whole journey
Then it takes 4 / (1-3 / 7) = 7 hours for the whole process
So the whole journey = 60 × 7 = 420 km
The distance between a and B is 525km. A car and a freight car leave from the two places and meet in 3.5 hours. It is known that the car travels 80km per hour,
How many kilometers per hour does the truck travel?
=70 (km)
A: trucks travel 70 kilometers per hour
You can ask me if you don't understand my answer!
The freight car travels x kilometers per hour
3.5 * 80 = 280 (km) 525-280 = 245 (km) 245 / 3.5 = 70 (km)
The truck runs 70 km / h (∩)_ ∩)o
The chord length of the line x + 2Y + 1 = 0 cut by the circle (X-2) 2 + (Y-1) 2 = 25 is equal to ()
A. 25B. 35C. 45D. 55
The distance from the center of the circle (2, 1) to the straight line x + 2Y + 1 = 0 is d = | 2 + 2 + 1 | 1 + 4 = 5, and the radius of the circle is r = 5, so the chord length is 2r2 − D2 = 45, so C
To transport 78 tons of goods from city a to city B, the freight is 110 yuan if you use a large truck with a carrying capacity of 5 tons; the freight is 50 yuan if you use a small truck with a carrying capacity of 2 tons. To save the freight, how many trucks are needed to transport this batch of goods?
110 △ 5 = 22 (yuan), 50 △ 2 = 25 (yuan); 22 < 25, so try to rent large trucks, 78 △ 5 = 15 (units) 3 tons; in order to fully load, you can rent 14 carts, (5 + 3) △ 2 = 4 small cars, so rent 14 carts, 4 small cars are the cheapest, 110 × 14 + 50 × 4, = 1540 + 200, = 1740 (yuan); answer
Two people count in turn. Each person can count one, two or three at a time, but they can't count. For example, the first person counts one or two
It's mainly to make up a multiple of 4, so that the last few can win
If the first person counts one number, then three; first two, then two; first three, then one
In this way, the latter one can count to all the multiples of 4, and he will also be able to count to 100
The distance between a and B is s kilometers. Someone plans to arrive in t hours. If he arrives 3 hours earlier, he should walk an extra () kilometers per hour
Time ratio T: (T-3)
Speed ratio (T-3): t
Original speed s / T
Walk more every hour:
I read the wrong question just now
New speed s / (T-3)
Original speed s / T
Walk more S / (T-3) - S / T per hour
If the sum of two numbers is known to be root 2 and the product is equal to minus 1 / 4, the sum of two numbers is known to be root 2 and the product is equal to minus 1 / 4
They are the two roots of the equation x ^ 2-radical 2x-1 / 4 = 0
Just find the equation
In the fruit base, 14 tons of apples are transported to the market, 4 tons by large truck, and the freight is 100 yuan; 2 tons by small truck, and the freight is 60 yuan
The amount of one truck for large trucks is 2 for small trucks, but it costs 120 yuan for two trucks, which is more than that of large trucks, so we should use large trucks as much as possible
In other words, there are 3 large trucks, 12 tons and 1 small truck
Freight: 3 * 100 + 60 = 360