The two cars leave AB at the same time. A drives 45 kilometers per hour and B 48 kilometers per hour. After the first meeting, the two cars continue to move forward After the two cars arrived at AB, they immediately went back to the original road. The two cars drove for 3 hours from the beginning to the second meeting. How many kilometers are there between the two places?

The two cars leave AB at the same time. A drives 45 kilometers per hour and B 48 kilometers per hour. After the first meeting, the two cars continue to move forward After the two cars arrived at AB, they immediately went back to the original road. The two cars drove for 3 hours from the beginning to the second meeting. How many kilometers are there between the two places?

From the beginning to the second meeting, the two cars traveled three whole distances
The distance between the two places is (45 + 48) x3 △ 3 = 93km
48x3 + 45x3 = 2xab, so the distance between AB and ab = (48 + 45) * 3 / 2 = 193.5km. In fact, if you draw a picture, you can see that the total distance between the two vehicles is twice that of the two places at the second meeting
A and B leave from ab at the same time. A travels 40 kilometers per hour, B 45 kilometers per hour. After the first meeting, a and B continue to move forward
After arriving at AB, the two vehicles immediately return to the same road and speed. The two vehicles travel for 6 hours from the beginning to the second meeting to find the distance between AB and ab
From the beginning to the second meeting, Party A and Party B made a total of 3 whole journey
Divide the sum of distance a and B by 3 to get the distance ab
(40 + 45) × 6 △ 3 = 190 km
The first encounter is equivalent to the partnership completing a whole journey. When they reach the end, they are equivalent to the partnership completing two whole journeys. The second encounter is equivalent to the partnership completing three whole journeys. The three whole journeys are (40 + 45) * 6, so one whole journey is (40 + 45) * 6 / 3 = 170. Please tell me that 170km is the right way to solve the problem. You are welcome to add points. There is another problem: A and B drive from the East and west at the same time. Car a travels 56km per hour, while car B travels 48km per hour. The two cars meet at 32km from the midpoint. Two... Unfold
The first encounter is equivalent to the partnership completing a whole journey. When they reach the end, they are equivalent to the partnership completing two whole journeys. The second encounter is equivalent to the partnership completing three whole journeys. The three whole journeys are (40 + 45) * 6, so one whole journey is (40 + 45) * 6 / 3 = 170. Follow up: please talk about the solution
Write a general term formula of a sequence of numbers so that the first four terms are the following numbers:
3,1 + (10)^n
The distance between AB and B is s km, and a and B travel in the same direction at the same time from ab. suppose that a's speed is a km / h, B's speed is B km / h, and a > B
After () h, a caught up with B
S / (a-b) velocity difference multiplied by time = distance difference, that is s km
If the chord length is equal to 2ty = 2 + 9, then the circle is truncated by T______ .
The common equation of the straight line x = 1 + 2ty = 2 + T (t is a parameter) is: x-2y + 3 = 0, the radius of the circle is: 3, the distance from the center of the circle to the straight line is: 35; let the chord length be D, so D = 232 − (35) 2 = 1255. So the answer is: 1255
A construction site needs 35 tons of cement. The load of large trucks is limited to 4 tons, and that of small trucks is limited to 3 tons
So it takes 8 + 1 = 9 times to finish!
In vertical, each Chinese character represents a number, and different Chinese characters represent different numbers. What is the multiplicand?
According to the stem analysis: 999999 △ 7 = 142857, so: so the multiplicand is 142857
The distance between AB and B is s km. A and B go from a to B at the speed of a km / h and B km / h respectively (a > b). If a walks for 1 hour first
This paper tries to express the time when a arrives earlier than B with algebraic formula, and evaluates when x = 120, a = 15, B = 12, and explains the practical significance of this value
Hold on
Pay attention to the significance of explanation
Time required for a to complete the whole journey: S / A
Time required for B to complete the whole journey: S / b
The time that a arrives earlier than B is 1 + S / B-S / A
When s = 120, a = 15, B = 12:
The time that a arrives earlier than B: 1 + 120 / 12-120 / 15 = 3 hours
A will arrive in 8 hours. B will arrive in 10 hours
Given the linear parameter equation {x = 1 + 2T, y = 2 + T (t is the parameter)}, then the chord length of the line cut by the circle x ^ 2 + y ^ 2 = 9 is
Please write the linear equation into a general parametric equation in detail. Thank you
The general equation of a line is x-2y = - 3
That is x-2y + 3 = 0
Distance from center of circle to straight line = 3 / √ 5
So chord length = 2 √ (9-9 / 5) = 2 * 6 / √ 5 = 12 √ 5 / 5
From x = 1 + 2T, y = 2 + T (t is a parameter)}, Xiaoqu t gets,
The center (0,0) of the circle x ^ 2 + y ^ 2 = 9, the radius is 3, and the distance from the center to the straight line x-2y + 3 = 0
The chord length of a straight line cut by a circle x ^ 2 + y ^ 2 = 9 is
Four large trucks and five small trucks transported 27.2 tons of vegetables. On average, each large truck transported three times as many vegetables as each small truck
How many tons of vegetables?
=8.4 tons
Because each big truck is three times as big as a small truck, 4 * 3 + 5 is converted into 17 small trucks. Then calculate the vehicle weight of each small truck and multiply by 3 to get the transportation volume of a big truck