A and B leave from ab at the same time. B, a travels 50 kilometers per hour, B 40 kilometers per hour. When they meet, a travels 40 kilometers more than B Kilometer, seek the distance between two places

A and B leave from ab at the same time. B, a travels 50 kilometers per hour, B 40 kilometers per hour. When they meet, a travels 40 kilometers more than B Kilometer, seek the distance between two places

360 km
A travels 10 kilometers more per hour than B
It takes four hours for more than 40 kilometers
That is, a and B meet in 4 hours
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40 ÷ (50-40) = 4 hours meeting time
(50 + 40) × 4 = 360 km
A: the distance between the two places is 360 kilometers.
How long does it take for car a to travel 40 kilometers more than car B
Divide the difference between two cars by the speed difference between two cars
= 4 (hours)
Then calculate the distance between the two places
Add the speed of the two cars and multiply by the meeting time
= 360 (km)
AB two cars leave from a and B at the same time. After 6 hours, they meet each other. After meeting each other, they continue to move forward. A car travels 20 kilometers more per hour, so it takes 5 hours
How many kilometers is the distance between B and a?
20 (6 / 5-1) = 100 km / h
100 × 6 = 600 km
AB two cars at the same time from a and B two relative departure, after 6 hours meet. How many kilometers does a and B continue to meet each other after passing through a and B for more than 20 hours?
The results are as follows
According to the meaning of the title, the speed of car a: the speed of car B = = 5:6
If the speed of car B is x, then the original speed of car a is 5x / 6
36... Unfold
AB two cars at the same time from a and B two relative departure, after 6 hours meet. After meeting each other, they continue to move forward. Car a travels an extra 20 kilometers per hour. In this way, after 5 hours, the two cars arrive at the two places at the same time. How many kilometers is the distance between the two places?
The results are as follows
According to the meaning of the title, the speed of car a: the speed of car B = = 5:6
If the speed of car B is x, then the original speed of car a is 5x / 6
So the speed of car a is 500 / 11
So the distance between a and B is: (600 / 11 + 500 / 11) * 6 = = 600 km
A: the distance between a and B is 600 kilometers. Ask: good trouble
A and B start at the same time from AB and run in opposite directions. A runs 40 kilometers per hour. When the two cars meet on the way, a and B are lucky to have a long journey
The ratio is 8:7. After meeting each other, the two cars immediately return to their respective places of departure. At this time, the handlebar speed of car a is increased by 25%, and the speed of car B remains unchanged. When car a returns to place a, car B is still 4 / 5 hours away from place B. car B travels about [] kilometers per hour, The shortest integer ratio of the time spent by a car when it meets and the time spent on its return is how many kilometers is the distance between AB and the two places?
1. The driving time of car a and car B is the same, set T1, the speed of car B is y, according to the speed × time = distance, 40t1: YT1 = 8:7, calculate y = 35, that is, car B travels 35km per hour. 2. The speed of car a is 40 × (40 * 25%) = 50km / h.3
A and B vehicles travel from ab at the same time. A vehicle travels 60 kilometers per hour, B vehicle travels 40 kilometers per hour. After 4 hours, the two vehicles meet AB and the distance between AB and ab is several thousand meters
Distance = speed and X encounter time
Distance: (60 + 40) × 4 = 400km
The distance between a and B is s kilometers. Someone drove from a to B, and planned to arrive in a hour,
As a result, we arrived 2 hours ahead of schedule. How many kilometers more per hour than the original plan?
Original speed = s / A
Actual speed = s / (A-2)
Therefore, the actual number of lines per hour is more than the original plan__ s/(a-2)-s/a___ Kilometer
Four large trucks and six small trucks carry 35 tons of goods in total. It is known that the carrying capacity of large trucks is twice that of small trucks. How many tons do large trucks and small trucks carry?
Suppose that the carrying capacity of the small truck is x tons, 6x + 2x × 4 = 35, 6x + 8x = 35, 14x = 35, x = 2.5. The carrying capacity of the large truck is 2.5 × 2 = 5 (tons). A: the carrying capacity of the large truck is 5 tons, and that of the small truck is 2.5 tons
Starting from 1, write a number every two numbers, and get the sequence: 1, 4, 7, 10, 13, -. Find the sum of the first 100 items in the sequence
The tolerance is 3
General formula: 3n-2
Item 100: 300-2 = 298
The distance between a and B is s kilometers. If someone plans to arrive 2 hours ahead of time, how many kilometers per hour?
Divide s by (A-2) hours
Is x = 2cos (a + k), y = 3sin (a + k) (k is constant, a is parameter) a part of ellipse?
Yes, according to the parametric equation of the ellipse
The carrying capacity of a small truck is 3 / 4 of that of a large truck. A small truck can carry 9 tons of goods. What is the carrying capacity of a large truck?