The speed ratio of the bus to the truck is 5:3, and the bus travels 40 kilometers per hour to find the road length

The speed ratio of the bus to the truck is 5:3, and the bus travels 40 kilometers per hour to find the road length

Road length s = (40 + 40 * 3 / 5) * 4.2 = 64 * 4.2 = 268.8 (km)
=268.8 (km)
A passenger car and a freight car leave from a and B at the same time, and meet three hours later. The freight car travels 80 km per hour, and the speed ratio of the freight car to the passenger car is 4:5. How many kilometers are there between a and B?
(80 △ 4 × 5 + 80) × 3 = (100 + 80) × 3 = 180 × 3 = 540 (km) a: the distance between a and B is 540 km
Passenger and freight cars run from a and B at the same time and meet at a distance of 4km from the midpoint. The speed of freight cars is 5 / 6 of that of passenger cars, and the distance between the two places is several thousand meters?
It's best to write the process
When they meet at a distance of 4km from the midpoint, the passenger car runs 4 * 2 = 8km more than the freight car
The speed of freight cars is 5 / 6 of that of passenger cars, that is, the speed ratio of freight cars to passenger cars is 5:6, that is, the distance ratio of two cars
8 / (6 / 11-5 / 11) = 88 km
The distance between the two places is 88 km
3.14x + x = x / 2 times 3.14
The sum of the circumference and diameter of a circle is 20.7 meters. How many square meters is the area of the circle? (π = 3.14)
For a linear equation without constant term (0), the solution is x = 0
The distance between a and B is x kilometers. If someone originally planned to arrive in t hours, and then arrived one hour earlier for some reason, how many kilometers does he actually walk per hour?
a> 0, b > 0, if 3 under the root sign is the middle term of equal ratio of 3 Λ A and 3 Λ B, then the minimum value of a / 1 + B / 1
9 = 3 ^ A * 3 ^ B, we get a + B = 2 1 / A + 1 / b = (a + b) / AB = 2 / AB, because a + B is the root sign ab
When AB = 2 / 2, ab = 2, ab = 2, ab = 2, ab = 2, ab = 2, ab = 2, ab = 2, ab = 2, ab = 2, ab = 2
The fruit wholesale store uses 6 large trucks and 4 small trucks to transport 43 tons of fruit, 2.5 tons for each small truck, and how many tons for each large truck?
(43-2.5 × 4) △ 6, = 33 △ 6, = 5.5 (tons); answer: each truck carries 5.5 tons
How to calculate the square of 3.14 * (x + 5 / x) = 88 + 3.14x
3.14 * (x + 5 / x) squared = 88 + 3.14x squared
Divide both sides by 3.14
The solution is x = 0.9445
x1= 1.1777
3.14 * (x + 5 / x) squared = 88 + 3.14x squared to 3.14 * (x + 5 / x) & # 178; = 88 + 3.14x & # 178;,
3.14 * (x + 5 / x) squared = 88 + 3.14x squared
This is a cubic equation, generally will not appear in the exam, difficult to calculate
The distance between a and B is s kilometers. Someone plans to arrive in an hour, but now he has to arrive one hour ahead of time and walk more every hour___ Kilometers
If you plan to arrive in a hour, the speed will be SA km / h. If you use (A-1) hours, the actual speed will be SA-1 km / h. therefore, you need to walk (sa-1-sa) kilometers more than you plan. So the answer is (sa-1-sa)
Let a > 0, b > 0. If 3 is the median of 3a and 3b, then the minimum value of 1A + 1b is ()
A. 8B. 4C. 1D. 14
Because 3a · 3B = 3, so a + B = 1, 1A + 1b = (a + b) (1a + 1b) = 2 + Ba + ab ≥ 2 + 2BA · AB = 4, if and only if Ba = AB, i.e. a = b = 12 "=" holds, so B is selected