用either of,neither of,both of和neither of us,分別造句 急,

用either of,neither of,both of和neither of us,分別造句 急,

Either of them is suitable for thisposition.Neitherof you could affordthis.Bothof the brothers cannot solve theproblem.Neitherof us want to go home.


all所有,三者或三者以上都both兩者都either(兩者中)任一的neither兩者都不each(兩個或兩個以上)每個,每一none(三個或三個以上)都不All of my friends come to visit me.(朋友大於或等於3個)both sides o…

none neither either both all的用法

A:不定代詞的功能與用法a.除every和no外不定代詞既可用作名詞,也可用作形容詞.every和no在句中只能作定語.I have no idea about it.b.all都,指三者以上.all的主謂一致:all的單複數由它所修飾或指代的名詞的單複…