


英語作文:寫一篇關於休息的記述文或假日外出旅遊的記述文 60詞

This summer holiday I go to Naijing with my parents.In Nanjing I saw many beautiful palaces such as Xuawu Lake.Xuawu Lake is very beautiful,the water is blueand there was many trees aroung the lake.I…

急需一篇英語作文關於十一外出旅遊的 不要太遠,儘量在北京附近,內蒙,山西,陝西,河北找一處旅遊地就行

I have a try…I have been to BeiJing for a travel.it was a great journey!we have went to see the Imperial Palace and the great wall and them let me feel that I was proud to be a Chinese.the Imperial…

翻譯一篇關於假期外出旅遊的英語作文(急用!) 去年寒假你和家人坐飛機去昆明度假.那裡的天空很藍,空氣清新.那裡的天氣全年既不太冷也不太熱,人們稱它為春城.昆明有許多美麗的風景,其中一個著名的景點是石林.我們在那裡呆了一周,雖然短但是我很高興. 幫忙翻譯成英問,無比感謝!

I went to Kunming for vacation with my family last winter vacation.The sky was blue and air was fresh there.It's not too cold or too hot,so people called it spring city.There were many beautiful sceneries in Kunming and Stone woods was one of the most famous spots.We stayed there for one week and we were so happy,though it was short.


I have many hobbies,such as reading,skating,and watching TV.But reading is my favorite hobby.
I like reading for three reasons.First of all,books introduce me to a new world,which is colourful and without time and space limit,Through reading,I can trace back.to ancient Egypt,the cradle of human civilization.
It can bring myself to the United states,a glamorous land I have been longing to visit.Secondly,reading can better myself by showing me a new horizon.
In the past years,most of my knowledge has been obtained from books.I have learned from many people by reading about their ideas on scithee,politics,life and society.Thirdly,reading bridge the gap between my dream and my goal.In ordcr to succeed in my career in the future,I must keep reading,thinking and practising.
Reading has become part of my life.Every day,I spend some time reading books,newspapcrs and magazines.At night,I can hardly go to steep without a novel in my hand.

需要初一旳一篇關於假期外出旅遊的英語作文(急用明天交) 急需一篇假期旅遊旳英語作文(50字左右就好) 其中要用到短語may I .. 明天交旳,幫我寫一篇阿!

Chinese New Year with my friends and I travel to Phoenix,we are going to do the bus,where I saw the beautiful ancient city of Phoenix and simple laborers.Although I feel there is no first-tier cities…