About high school mathematics sequence sum, how to do? Given an = 2 to the nth power, BN = 2n Find TN = B1 / A1 + B2 / A2 + & ﹥ 8226; & ﹥ 8226; & ﹥ 8226; + BN / an (B is the numerator, a is the denominator)

About high school mathematics sequence sum, how to do? Given an = 2 to the nth power, BN = 2n Find TN = B1 / A1 + B2 / A2 + & ﹥ 8226; & ﹥ 8226; & ﹥ 8226; + BN / an (B is the numerator, a is the denominator)

That's right. Subtraction by dislocation
① - 2
=1+ 2(1-(1/2)^n)-1-2n/(2^(n+1))
= 2(1-(1/2)^n)-2n/(2^(n+1))
So TN = 2 [2 (1 - (1 / 2) ^ n) - 2n / (2 ^ (n + 1))]
Where can I ask if I don't understand