-Using square difference formula to decompose factor ①-4x²+(2x-3y)² ②16(a+b)²-9(a-b)² ③9m²(a-b)^3+49(b-a)^3 ④(x+y-z)²-(x-y+z)² ⑤(a²-b²)+(3a+3b) ⑥x^4-1

-Using square difference formula to decompose factor ①-4x²+(2x-3y)² ②16(a+b)²-9(a-b)² ③9m²(a-b)^3+49(b-a)^3 ④(x+y-z)²-(x-y+z)² ⑤(a²-b²)+(3a+3b) ⑥x^4-1


How to use the square difference formula to calculate (2x + 3y-5) (2x-3y + 1)?


It is calculated by the complete square formula: (1) (4x-3y) (2) (2) (2b of 1.5a-3) (3) 63? (4) 98 Wrong question. It's (1) (4x-3y) 2 (2) (- 2m-1) 2 (3) (1.5a-2b of 3) (4) 63? (5) 98

(4x-3y) mm2 = 16x? - 24xy + 9y? 2 (1.5a-2b of 3)? = (3 / 2a-2 / 3b) 2 = 9 / 4A? - 2Ab + 4 / 9b? 63? = (60 + 3) mm2 = 3600 + 360 + 9 = 396998? = (100-2) mm2 = 10000-400 + 4 = 9604

(- 4x + 3Y) 2 complete square formula


The second power of (4x-3y) uses the complete square formula to calculate the main process


(- 4x + 3Y) ^ 2 is calculated using the complete square formula


Calculate (4x-3y) with the complete square formula By the way, tell me about the algorithm of complete square formula, formula, key points!

=4X (4x-3y) - 3Y (4x-3y) = 16x square - 12xy - (12xy-9y Square) = 16x square + 9y square

Given that x 2 + 4Y squared - 2x = 4Y-2, find the value of (2x-3y) 2 - (3y-x) 2

It is known that x 2 + 4Y squared - 2x = 4Y-2

Given x 2 + 4Y + y 2 - 6y + 13 = 0, find the value of 2x + 3Y

It is known that x 2 + 4x + y 2 - 6y + 13 = 0
Then (x + 2) 2 + (Y-3) 2 = 0
So x + 2 = 0, Y-3 = 0
So x = - 2, y = 3
So 2x + 3Y = 2 * (- 2) + 3 * 3 = 5
If you don't understand, I wish you a happy study!

To solve the equations: x 2 - 4Y 2 + X + 3y-1 = 0 and 2x-y-1 = 0

x^2-4y^2+x+3y-1=0 (1)
2x-y-1=0 (2)
From (2)
By substituting (1), we can get
The solution
By substituting X1 and X2 into (3), the solutions of the original equations are obtained as follows