高分求用Maple做一道微積分的題! Consider the following function on the interval [0, ;π/2]. f ;(x)=√ ;2x ; ;cos8(2x) (a用中線方法求方程下方區域)Approximate the area under f ;(x)on the given interval using midpoints(中點)with n = 10. (b求定積分)Compute the definite integral of f ;(x)on the interval [0, ;π/2]. (c求絕對誤差)Find the absolute value of the error involved in approximating the area under f ;(x)on the given interval using a Riemman sum with midpoints and n = 10. (d)Using trial and error,determine the smallest number n of subintervals such that the absolute error of the midpoint Riemann sum with respect to the exact value of the area is less than 0.0005. 方程式根號下2x乘以(cos(2x))^8

高分求用Maple做一道微積分的題! Consider the following function on the interval [0, ;π/2]. f ;(x)=√ ;2x ; ;cos8(2x) (a用中線方法求方程下方區域)Approximate the area under f ;(x)on the given interval using midpoints(中點)with n = 10. (b求定積分)Compute the definite integral of f ;(x)on the interval [0, ;π/2]. (c求絕對誤差)Find the absolute value of the error involved in approximating the area under f ;(x)on the given interval using a Riemman sum with midpoints and n = 10. (d)Using trial and error,determine the smallest number n of subintervals such that the absolute error of the midpoint Riemann sum with respect to the exact value of the area is less than 0.0005. 方程式根號下2x乘以(cos(2x))^8
